Vanguard Theater Company
Affiliate Theatre in Montclair, NJ
Member overview
Vanguard Theater Company: We create socially relevant theater dedicated to DREAM: Diversity, Reciprocity, Education, Activism, and Mentorship. We challenge social and cultural narratives and create equity through performance, creation, education, and partnership.
Venue details
Ticket Offers
We have recurring ticket offers on a show-by-show basis, and through our membership and sponsorship programs.
Education Offerings
We offer a day camp summer theater program and a residential SummerstockVTC sleep-away program. We also offer a school-year theater program for youth (VTC KIDS) and teens (DREAM VTC). Both have generous payment plans.
Upcoming performances
Go to Fade - A Play by Tanya SarrachoVanguard Theater Company
Fade - A Play by Tanya Sarracho
Vanguard Theater Company