Member Services and Benefits

All of our member services have been developed with the input and feedback of member theatres and are designed to meet the specific needs of the field in New Jersey.
If you are on staff at an Alliance member theatre, we hope that you will take advantage of these offerings! As always, if there are ways that the Alliance could be of additional help and support, please reach out to us for a conversation.
Organizational Capacity
Professional Development Roundtables
Virtual roundtables from our Creating Change and Cultural Access networks, as well as discipline-specific gatherings for General Management, Education, Development, and Artistic staff.
Resource Libraries
Online libraries of Equity & Justice, Cultural Access, and Workplace resources. Resources include templates, samples, articles, tip-sheets, videos, and more.
Fundraising, board development, marketing, arts education, budgeting, and strategic planning consultation offered free or at significantly reduced cost to members.
Low-interest Loan Program
Member theatres can take out emergency loans from the Alliance when experiencing temporary cash-flow challenges. These loans are offered at a below-market interest rate and are usually repaid in 6-12 months.
Audience Insights Manager
The Alliance subsidizes a 15% discount on annual Audience Insights Manager (AIM) subscriptions offered by ArtPride New Jersey. AIM can help you target your marketing materials, identify potential new donors, set benchmarks for diversifying your audiences, and make your case to funders.
Reciprocal Complimentary Tickets
This program encourages the theatre community to see and support each other’s work. Paid staff of member theatres may access up to two complimentary tickets for productions at other member theatres. Each theatre can set restrictions on dates where tickets may be used.
Job Board
Member theatres can post open positions and audition opportunities on our free job board.
Combined Auditions
Every year, over two days, we hold auditions for 120 Equity and 120 Non-Equity performers. Member theatres interested in seeking new local talent attend.
Marketing & Promotion
Email Marketing
The Alliance maintains an email list of over 11,000 patrons, who receive a newsletter every two weeks outlining upcoming performances, events, and special offers at member theatres.
Today-Tix and Show-Score
Member theatres are eligible for specially-negotiated discounts for the TodayTix and Show-Score marketing platforms, which reach over 300,000 theatre enthusiasts.
Online Calendar
Members of the Alliance have the ability to upload their productions, public readings, and special events to our website calendar. They also have full access to manage their company profile to advertise their mission, discount programs, education offerings, and more. Theatres are strongly encouraged to upload their productions so that Alliance staff can help promote them through our email and social media channels.
Social Media
The Alliance maintains a robust social media presence with a growing following of over 10,000 people. Social media posts promote performances and events, feature Alliance initiatives, and amplify the social presence of our members.
ADA Plan Writing Support
The Alliance offers workshops and individual support to theatres as they create their required ADA plans for submission to the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Access Equipment Loan Program
We loan out FM Headset transmitter equipment to member theatres for listening enhancement and audio description services for their audiences.
Interpreter and Audio Description Training
We work to build the pool of qualified cultural access professionals by offering training for ASL interpretation and audio description.
Sensitivity Training
Member theatres can take advantage of sensitivity training and other access consulting at no cost or a significantly reduced fee.
Grants & Awards
Cultural Access Mini-Grants
The Alliance offers $350 mini-grants to support ASL, open captioning, relaxed performance, or audio description. Requests are accepted on a rolling basis.
Innovator Awards
Two organizations receive Cultural Access Innovator Awards each year at the Excellence in Cultural Acces Awards. Awards come with statewide recognition and $500 to support their work. Nominations open in March for all New Jersey arts and cultural organizations.
Awards of Excellence
Awards of Excellence are presented at the annual Curtain Call celebration to individuals chosen by member theatres. These awards honor staff, volunteers, trustees, or funders of member theatres who have made an important impact.
Pandemic Relief Grants
Throughout the pandemic, the Alliance raised and distributed over $250,000 in the form of grants to theatres to support hiring COVID Compliance Officers, reimbursement for PPE, cleaning, and testing supplies, and relief grants to theatre workers. As the negative effects of the pandemic continue, the Alliance will look for all opportunities to secure and distribute funds that support the recovery of our members.